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Wayland Dental Blog

How Surgically Clean Air Benefits You, Especially During COVID-19

June 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:32 pm
A dentist performing an exam in surgically clean air.

Over the past several weeks, you’ve probably heard from local dentists and dental associations on how practices are taking all the necessary steps to ensure patient protection during the COVID-19 pandemic. As practices reopen so people can get their routine exams and cleanings completed once again, dentists and their team members are doing more than simply removing waiting areas and providing hand sanitization stations throughout their offices. On top of that, they are purchasing devices specifically designed to create surgically clean air. Learn what this is and how it benefits you below!


Are You at High Risk for COVID-19? A Dentist Answers Your Questions

May 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:10 pm
One of the dentist’s high risk dental patients in Wayland.

Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic can be difficult, but it’s essential that we don’t let our guard down at this time. While many communities are taking the necessary steps to protect themselves during the pandemic, it’s important to recognize that certain groups fall into the category of “high risk” when it comes to the virus. These are people who are more likely to suffer from the harshest effects of COVID-19. If you are considered a high risk patient or have a family member that falls into this category, you probably have many questions on what to do next. For all high risk dental patients in Wayland, here’s what you need to know.


Stuck at Home Due to Quarantine? Here’s How You Can Stay Stress-Free.

March 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:55 pm
A woman smiling on a couch.

Staying stress free can already be difficult when you have a busy schedule. However, what happens when your community has asked all of its neighbors to stay inside in order to prevent the risk of spreading an incredibly infectious disease? In these uncertain times, it can be hard to focus on staying stress-free. However, there’s a good incentive to do so, and it’s related to your oral health, according to a dentist near Natick. To learn why and what you can do to stay free of stress, keep reading!


Maximize Your 2019 Dental Benefits Before They Expire

November 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:22 pm
an older woman smiling in the dentist’s chair while the dentist reviews a digital image

Did you know that more than $100 billion is lost each year due to patients forgoing their dental benefits? This massive amount of money is returned to the insurance company, requiring patients to restart with each calendar year. From the deductible to the annual maximum, everything is reset to “0.” If you want to avoid being one of the people who lose hundreds or thousands of dollars each year, find out what you can do to maximize your dental insurance benefits before it’s too late.


Halloween Candy: Which Are the Best and Worst for Your Child’s Teeth?

October 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:16 pm
Halloween candy and pumpkin

Who can resist that delicious chocolate bar or that sweet package of gummy treats? With Halloween just weeks away, your child is most likely creating a map of which houses give out the best candy as well as which ones that don’t. As a parent, you may be happy to see an apple or another healthy food item in your child’s trick-or-treat bucket, but let’s be honest, you want some of their candy, too. Before you let your child or teenager embark on a sugar binge, take the time to learn about the best and worst candy for your teeth and how you can keep their teeth in good shape this holiday season.


Can Invisalign in Wayland Improve Your Bite’s Alignment?

April 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:02 pm
A person holding a clear aligner.

For decades, Invisalign has been incredibly effective at solving multiple issues with people’s smiles, all without using unsightly or uncomfortable metal hardware. While fixing rotated teeth, crooked smiles and gaps are ideal for those looking to improve their smile’s appearance, it’s not the only benefit you can expect. Oral care becomes easier to maintain with fewer spots for plaque to collect, therefore reducing your risk of developing dental disease!

However, a common question people have about Invisalign in Wayland is whether it can fix their misaligned bite. Today, a dentist is prepared to go over these details and the benefits you can expect from a healthier bite.


How Teeth Whitening in Wayland Can Wow Your Valentine!

February 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:08 am
A woman smiling outside.

When you think of the typical Valentine’s Day gift, your mind likely shifts to a box of chocolates or an expensive bottle of red wine. But what if the gift you gave your special someone worked to brighten their smile, rather than diminish it? Teeth whitening in Wayland is capable of removing stains from teeth quickly and effectively, making it the perfect alternative to the traditional Valentine’s Day gift.

Learn how else you can utilize this treatment by reading our latest blog post!


5 Facts a Dentist in Wayland Says You Should Know About Dry Mouth

December 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:50 pm
A woman sticking out her tongue.

Think back to the last time you exercised or ate a snack that was particularly high in sugar or salt. While both of these actions are quite different, they both result in the same side effect: dry mouth. Everyone has had dry mouth at some point, but did you know that there are significant implications behind having dry mouth all the time?

To help protect your oral health, a dentist in Wayland lists five facts you may not have known about dry mouth and what they mean for your oral health.


Learn Why a Family Dentist in Wayland Cares About Baby Teeth

November 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:10 pm

A child at his dental appointment.When your child’s first baby tooth falls out naturally, it can be an exciting time. Seeing your child go through the same developmental passages you went through can be a truly amazing experience. However, just because their baby teeth are going to come out eventually doesn’t necessarily mean you should let oral hygiene be left behind.

Children require special attention when it comes to their oral health, so it’s crucial that you take the time to learn why baby teeth matter and what you can do to prevent them from developing cavities. Learn more by reading this post from a family dentist in Wayland!


Got Bad Breath? Dentist in Wayland Explains 5 Possible Causes

October 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:37 pm

A woman covering her mouth.Did your friend, family member or coworker recently try to get out of a conversation with you and you weren’t sure why? Does your diet consist largely of coffee, garlic, onions, dairy or fish? Do you often feel like your mouth is dry for seemingly no reason? If you answered yes to any of the following, chances are you have some unaddressed cause to your bad breath.

The next time someone tries to cover their nose when talking to you, take note of the following likely causes of bad breath as explained by a dentist in Wayland.


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